RSI is caused by repeated overuse and injury to the muscles of the hands, wrists, arms or shoulders.
E.g. repeated movement of the fingers by a computer user or musician causes micro trauma in the tissues. Cells try to cope by releasing chemicals to limit or repair any damage. But sometimes the ability of the body to repair itself is outpaced by prolonged repetitive movement, causing chronic injury to the tissues.
Symptoms of RSI may take months, even years, to appear. Initially, only a slight ache may be felt. As the problem gets worse, there's more obvious pain while performing the repeated activity.
Once the problem has become severe, pain may be felt most of the time, even with the slightest movement.
One or both arms, wrists or hands may be affected. As well as the pain, numbness and tingling may make daily activities even more difficult.
The risk of RSI is increased by spending long periods without a break, sitting on an uncomfortable seat, or at a poorly arranged workstation.
At work, the computer keyboard and mouse are often responsible for RSI. Home computers, video games and text messaging also increase the risk. Workers on factory assembly lines, musicians, dressmakers and cleaners are also more likely to develop RSI.
Treatment of RSI may include:
- Rest of the affected area
- Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs
- Heat and cold packs
- Elastic wrist supports or firm wrist splints
- Acupuncture, physiotherapy or osteopathy
You can reduce your risk of RSI by warming up and cooling down the muscles used, taking regular breaks throughout the day, having an appropriate workstation and seating position, and practising relaxation. If your job puts you at risk of RSI you should seek out expert advice on prevention.
How can Absolute Health help?
The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) is currently running a nationwide study into the effects of Bowen Technique for sufferers of RSI.
If you have a medical diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 RSI and have suffered 2 or more years, you could take part in this study, and receive 3 Bowen Therapy treatments at a reduced rate*.
Give the clinic a call on 0116 282 7766 now to enquire about the study or Bowen Therapy.
* 1st consultation and treatment £40, 2nd treatment £5, 3rd treatment £5
"The risk of RSI is increased by spending long periods without a break, sitting on an uncomfortable seat, or at a poorly arranged workstation." A poorly arranged workstation can easily be replaced by an ergonomic workstation and is a good starting point for reducing the risk of RSI conditions.