Bowen Therapy
How can a therapy that seems to do so little achieve so much?
Many patients receiving a course of Bowen Therapy treatment are genuinely surprised and often delighted when they notice a significant improvement in their symptoms. It can seem hard to understand how a treatment which is so gentle and 'light touch' can change the body in so many ways.
Both recent and chronic conditions including muscle and joint aches and pains can be helped by stimulating the receptors in the neuromuscular system using 'Bowen moves'.
The aim of this therapy is to stimulate the body to speed up its natural healing response. Sometimes, despite the body having recovered from an injury, the brain has 'locked in' muscle tension and seems unaware that there is a problem with reduced circulation, build up of waste products and unnecessary tightness in some muscles.
The Bowen Technique offers a gentle reminder to the body that all is not well, and the body seems to take the hint by readjusting the nerve signals to these problem areas. After a short course of treatment, the nervous system seems to have made subtle changes which affect the blood supply to areas of the body which have been causing unncessary pain.
Bowen Therapy is often reported to help other conditions which the patient wasn't complaining of at the time - for example, someone with back pain having treatment may report that as well as the aching in the low back improving they also noted they were sleeping better, or a student with elbow pain reporting that their concentration levels during exams was better.
If you are suffering from a condition that you think should have resolved by now and your doctor is happy that there is no underlying disease or serious problem, you may want to try a new approach. Rather than masking your symptoms using pain killing medication, you could try Bowen Therapy to give your body a gentle 'kick start' to recovery - don't wait any longer, give Absolute Health a call on 0116 282 7766 and come in for a free health check and 10% off the cost of your first treatment.
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