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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Poor Posture at Work

Many of our patients seek treatment for problems that stem from poor posture at work or when driving.  Getting the right advice is as important as getting the right treatment to help restore function in your spine and keep muscles and joints pain free.

Changing daily habits to correct posture problems will take some effort and perseverance, and will seem a little unnatural at first. It is typical to feel uncomfortable, and even feel a little taller, but over time the new posture will seem natural and more comfortable.

Following are some guidelines of how to achieve good posture and ergonomics in the workplace and other situations.

Sitting Posture for Office Chairs

  • Be sure your back is supported against the back of the office chair. Avoid slouching or leaning forward, especially when tired
  • For long term sitting, such as in an office chair, be sure your chair is ergonomically designed to properly support the back and that a lumbar support cushion is used if needed
  • When sitting on an office chair at a desk, your arms should be flexed at a 75 to 90 degree angle at the elbows. If this is not the case, the office chair should be adjusted accordingly
  • Knees should be even with the hips, or slightly lower when sitting in the office chair
  • Keep both feet flat on the floor. If there's a problem with feet reaching the floor comfortably, a foot rest can be used 
  • Don't sit in one place for too long, even in ergonomic office chairs. Get up and walk around and stretch every hour (even for just one minute).

Standing Posture

  • Stand with weight mostly on the balls of your feet, not with weight on your heels
  • Keep feet slightly apart (about shoulder width apart)
  • Let arms hang naturally down the sides of the body
  • Avoid locking your knees (don't extend them too much)
  • Tuck the chin in a little to keep the head level
  • Be sure your head is not pushed out forward too far
  • Stand straight and tall, with shoulders as far back as is comfortable
  • If standing for a long period of time, shift weight from one foot to the other, or rock from heels to toes to keep the joints mobile.

Walking Posture

  • Keep your head up and eyes looking straight ahead
  • Avoid pushing the head forward
  • Keep shoulders properly aligned with the rest of the body

Driving Posture

  • Sit with your back firmly against the seat for proper back support
  • Use a wedge cushion and/or lumbar support cushion to discourage slouching
  • The seat should be adjusted so your distance from the pedals and steering wheel doesn't require you to lean forward or over-reach
  • The headrest should support the middle of the head to keep it upright. Tilt the headrest forward if possible to make sure that the head-to-headrest distance is not more than four inches.
Find out more about how our Osteopaths can help you by clicking here

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