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Friday 20 May 2011

Bowen for your employees

Bowen therapy supports organisations of many kinds by helping to make sure that staff can carry out their tasks without interruption from physical problems or stress.

It is relevant in most working environments particularly those that carry a risk of musculoskeletal disorder, whether sedentary (e.g. office workers, checkout till staff), standing (e.g. shop workers), or physically active (e.g. production, warehousing and shelf stacking staff).  Bowen treatments can also help prevent, as well as treat, conditions caused when employees are 'at play': for example, the problems that can result from active pursuits.

Bowen helps many organisations to improve efficiency by reducing the incidence of staff downtime.  Sudden short-term and long-term absenteeism is reduced and employees' well-being is improved.  Treatment of staff's physical problems helps ensure that production schedules and staff assignments are not subject to unforeseen change. It can also have a positive effect on sick pay commitments and reduce the possibility of litigation.

Several organisations also regard Bowen as a responsible way of improving and maintaining the welfare of employees, for example in the context of the Health and Safety Executive's 'Better Backs' initiative.

Some also see an association with complementary therapy as demonstrating an enlightened, active commitment to drug-free therapy, an area in which public awareness is steadily growing.

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