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Sunday, 2 March 2014

Look after your feet!

Read the NHS top 10 tips on how to look after your feet, with special advice for the over-60s.
The good news is that looking after your feet can prevent most of these problems.

Your feet take the weight of your whole body, so foot problems can quickly lead to discomfort and affect the way you walk. This can in turn cause knee, hip and back pain.
Investing a bit of time and thought into caring for your feet now can prevent them causing you pain later.

Foot facts

  • Each foot contains 26 bones and more than 100 ligaments.
  • Your feet contain more than a quarter of all the bones in your body.
  • The skin on your feet has more than 7,000 nerve endings.
  • There are more than 125,000 sweat glands on each foot, more than anywhere else in the body.
  • Your feet produce an eggcup’s worth of sweat each day.
  • Wash your feet often

    Don’t go to bed without washing your feet. If you leave dirt on the skin’s surface, it can become irritated and infected. If your feet are dirty, wash them every evening with soap and water.

    Dry your feet well

    Dry your feet thoroughly after washing them, especially between the toes which is where germs such as Athlete's foot can easily breed. Then, apply a moisturising foot cream (not body lotion).

    Remove hard skin

    Gently remove hard skin and calluses with a pumice stone or foot file regularly. 

    Cut toenails carefully

    Always trim your toenails straight across, never at an angle or down the edges. This can cause ingrowing toenails which are painful and may require surgery.

    Shoe shop in the afternoon

    Shop for shoes in the afternoon. Feet swell as the day goes on and if shoes fit in the afternoon when your feet are at their largest, you can be assured they will always be comfortable.

    Footwear tips for work

    If you have to wear heels at work, wear comfortable shoes to and from the office and only wear your smart shoes once you're in the office. Also, try to vary the heel height, between low, medium and high. Ask your chiropodist for advice about the best footwear for you.

    Change your socks often to avoid foot odour

    Change your socks daily. Read advice from the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists on buying socks.

    Watch out for foot bugs in communal changing areas

    Wear flip-flops to avoid catching athlete's foot and verrucas when you use public areas such as gym showers, swimming pools or hotel bathrooms. 

    Take care with flip flops

    But don't wear flip-flops all the time. They don't provide support for your feet and can give you arch and heel pain if you wear them too much.

    Foot pain advice for over-60s

    If you're over 60, foot care becomes even more important. Age takes its toll: your skin thins, your joints begin to stiffen and your feet become more vulnerable to the cold.  It can become difficult to care for your own feet if back or hip stiffness prevents you fully bending forwards.  Don't neglect your feet though - ask your local chiropodist to check the state of your toenails and skin on the feet if you have any discomfort when walking.  A regular check-up can prevent any serious problems developing, so give Absolute Health a ring to book your next foot health or chiropody treatment.

    Advice provided by the NHS Choices website

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